How SciDAP works

SciDAP is a no-code bioinformatics platform
that enables scientists to analyze NGS-based data
without a bioinformatician or any knowledge of coding.


SciDAP consists of a central server that provides a user interface and satellites that process and store data. The satellite software is typically installed on your hardware or cloud service. This can be a server, cluster, or cloud running a Linux operating system. Additionally, during the free trial period we provide users access to our satellite.

This design allows us to provide users with the most up-to-date interface and to quickly deploy new pipelines through the central server. At the same time, to reduce HIPAA and data security concerns, the data never has to leave your network because they are kept on a satellite controlled by the user.

Users can access SciDAP from any computer by logging into The SciDAP platform is designed to scale to your needs, and can serve as a data processing and exchange center for your whole laboratory or institution. All authorised laboratory members can add data, execute analyses, and view and share results.

How it works

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userslide 1 cloudslide 1 arrowslide 2 right arrowslide 2 sequencingslide 2 sequencing arrowslide 2 processingslide 3 experimentslide 3 experiment arrowslide 3 interfaceslide 3 dataslide 3 chartsslide 3 charts arrowslide 5 github
A biologist goes to, logs into their lab account, and creates an experiment.
Next, the biologist selects files for analysis. The satellite downloads raw data files (fastq) from a sequencing facility or NCBI. After the download is complete, the satellite will analyze the data using reproducible CWL pipelines.
After processing is complete, researchers can view the results of the analysis in the interface provided by SciDAP. Actual data are loaded directly from the satellite.
A biologist and a satellite can be on the same network. This way the data never have to leave a user’s organization. SciDAP instructs the satellite how to process the data but has no access to them.
Datirium constantly updates the SciDAP interface and users will always have the latest version of software and pipelines. SciDAP's reproducible CWL pipelines are open-source and are synchronized with GiHub.
Scroll Down to learn the Processmouse

A biologist goes to, logs into their lab account, and creates an experiment.

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Next, the biologist selects files for analysis. The satellite downloads raw data files (fastq) from a sequencing facility or NCBI. After the download is complete, the satellite will analyze the data using reproducible CWL pipelines.

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After processing is complete, researchers can view the results of the analysis in the interface provided by SciDAP. Actual data are loaded directly from the satellite.

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A biologist and a satellite can be on the same network. This way the data never have to leave a user’s organization. SciDAP instructs the satellite how to process the data but has no access to them.

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Datirium constantly updates the SciDAP interface and users will always have the latest version of software and pipelines. SciDAP's reproducible CWL pipelines are open-source and are synchronized with GiHub.

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SciDAP is so easy to use and saves so much time, now scientists can produce publication-ready results in hours not months.